Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Not My Day

Image result for first day chronicles
Picture source http://www.letiarts.com/uncategorized/first-day-chronicles-mandy/
On 18th of September 2017, I was officially reporting at a governmental office in Nairobi as an attachee as one of the steps required by the university for my study completion. That Monday morning I was feeling positive and excited yet anxious to meet my supervisors and the other members of staff. To reduce the anxiety I made sure that I arrived at the place well on time. By 8 am I had already reported and that was the beginning of a long miserable day!

After going to all the receptions I knew of in the compound to inquire about the office I was meant to report to I was already weary and sweaty, bored and a little on the “to hell with this, I wanna go home” mood. But because it was my first day and I knew nothing about the company operations, of which I had gone there to learn about because, (yeah… the university required that for them to give me my well-deserved degree) I had to wait! Patiently upholding the lessons I learned about "Your first day at work". I was uncomfortably trying to maintain the “How to present yourself on your first day at work” tips that I watched on YouTube the previous night so that everybody would have an amazing first impression of me.
“Keep a straight back as you sit”
“Hold your head up high”
“Look people in the eye”
“Keep a happy face”

I could vividly recall all that the high pitched tutor had stated in her grey official dress and dark brown hair. “I can do this, I’m gonna pull this off like a pro.” I kept telling myself mentally.
But that was a challenge considering that I was seated on a navy blue tattered and old, abandoned seat at the corner of the reception adjacent to the receptionist’s desk where an old jovial woman was seated picking calls with a happy “Block Q, Hello!” song. One could clearly tell that she had been doing that for so long but surprisingly her charisma was still alive.

At this point I had seen almost all the staff members reporting, visitors coming and going and at every ring of the telephone I would sing sarcastically in unison with the receptionist under a low frustrated breath… “Block Q, Hello!”

This unforeseen tragedy lasted for about an hour and a half, what honestly felt to me like the whole day, until I was finally called to the office that I was destined to be supervised from. I quickly glanced at the time on the top right corner of my three year old Samsung screen as I hurriedly logged out of Instagram.

“Keep a straight back as you sit”
“Hold your head up high”
“Look people in the eye”
“Keep a happy face”

Hi guys! Sorry I have been MIA for so long. To know what happened next please keep following for updates. The next story shall be posted soon!

Peace xoxo

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