I'm so in love!
I’m in love
with my coffee stain!
Let me tell
you a story… a very beautiful story about my remarkable coffee stain!!
It is ever
printed so boldly on my white tank top. It has shamelessly beautiful eyes and a
great personality on top. It has flaws that have progressively proven to be
artistically gorgeous! Yes, my coffee stain has a personality and a half with a
million shades of brown and diverse shapes from bottom to top.
My coffee
stain is a girl
A girl who loves
herself because she is so unique! She can and will always do things to promote
healing in her life. As strangers continue to stare at her with judging eyes, wondering
“what is wrong with this chic?” She
care-lessly oozes of an aura that shouts “I’m smart, important, strong, confident
and quite a survivor.
I’m happy with whom I am and I
believe in myself greatly.
I am special and I will not change myself for anyone
because then, I would be a mimic.”
Yes, she is a woman and a half that’s
why her name could be Nelly, Purity or Meron… A queen in reign, with bold
curves and edges but I choose to call her Monique
But I lied.
My coffee stain is a man!
He has sharp eyes that burn
with joy from a mile.
He is remarkable with the arts, creating things that just
blow my mind.
He is very handy and puts a great twist to everything he manages
to stain.
I named him Mackaskill,, then Eric but ever since I began to
miss my home land Lesotho,
I settled with a new name Thabo! By the way… has
incredible driving skills!

This article a very special one, dedicated to all my friends!... I may have not put your photo here, but I appreciate you. All the memories you bring to my life and all the time that we spend together. I am so so grateful to have you as part of my chosen family, God bless you!
PS: Most of the words used in this article are words and phrases that have been used by my friends. They have been so inspirational to me and the main reason why I decided to publish this unique piece about them and for them. ♡