Tuesday, February 14, 2017

I LOVE YOU TOO: my Valentine's Story!

I love you too

I’m a deep and delicate soul. I feel too much and I dig in too deep from my heart, sacrificing myself for the sake of other’s happiness. This is one of the things that just give me joy and makes me feel fulfilled at the end of the day, yet on some days all this is collected and dumped with the trash (OUCH!!). Not that with the love and care that I share with others, I expect an “I love you too!”, but again I certainly do not want to experience any feedback that says “Your love is trash.” because...

I love you too, is the tune I want to listen to and hear when you laugh

I love you too is the flower I want to admire in your smile, it’s just enough

I love you too is the glow I’m eager to see upon arrival, don’t be tough

I love you too is the chemistry i'll always long for when I am with you

Because I love you is my daily song and I’m enchanted to experience your “I love you too”


 It is for this reason, I am a part of the Souls of Charity Initiative and on Sunday, the 12th Feb, 17… we went to Kawangware, to do one of my favorite things: To Give. Not just to give food, help and other material things, but also to share love, create moments and memories that will last for a life time. And this is my Valentine’s story…

Joy. That's all we are about!

To never sleep on an empty stomach, is a blessing

Who said this was only meant for the ladies... The Souls men know no boundaries!!

Making funny faces with one of the children at the orphanage

REMEMBER: James 1:27(NIV)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”